Professional Qualifications
Annual reports
Environmental Briefs
Distinguished Guest Lectures
2024 Killer Threads
Thomas Stanton
Raquel Prado
2023 Water, water, everywhere – is it still safe to drink? The pollution impact on water quality
Rivers of life
Fiona Regan
2022 Disposable Attitude: Electronics in the Environment
Steve Cottle
Ian Williams
Fiona Dear
2019 Radioactive Waste Disposal
Juliet Long
2018 Biopollution: Antimicrobial resistance in the environment
Andrew Singer
Celia Manaia
2017 Inside the Engine
Frank Kelly
Claire Holman
Jacqui Hamilton
Simon Birkett
2016 Geoengineering
Alan Robock
Joanna Haigh
David Santillo
Mike Stephenson
2015 Nanomaterials
Eugenia Valsami-Jones
Debora F Rodrigues
David Spurgeon
2014 Plastic debris in the ocean
Richard Thompson
Norman Billingham
2013 Rare earths and other scarce metals
Thomas Graedel
David Merriman
Michael Pitts
Andrea Sella
Adrian Chapman
2012 Energy, waste and resources
Kris Wadrop
2011 The Nitrogen Cycle – in a fix?
2010 Technology and the use of coal
2009 The future of water
J.A. (Tony) Allen
John W. Sawkins
2008 The Science of Carbon Trading
Jon Lovett
Matthew Owen
Terry barker
Nigel Mortimer
2007 Environmental chemistry in the Polar Regions
Eric Wolff
Anna Jones
2006 The impact of climate change on air quality
Michael Pilling
2005 DGL Metals in the environment: estimation, health impacts and toxicology
2004 Environmental Chemistry from Space
Articles, reviews & updates
Upcoming meetings
Meeting reports
Site Index
Click on any article title to find out more
for pdf versions
ECG Bulletin January 2025
Chair's Report for 2024
The EGC Interview: Adam Peters
Project Interview: Yassir El Hadri
Book Review: Greenhouse Gas Removal Technologies
Book Review: Emerging Nanotechnologies for Water Treatment
Meeting Report: Communicating Sustainability: Enhancing research impact
Meeting Report: Carbon capture, storage and utilisation: Starting to put the climate change genie back in the bottle
Meeting Report: Burlington consensus 3: Scientists at the heart of global policymaking
Meeting Report: The place of Chemistry in a doughnut economy
Meeting Report: Outreach report: IF Oxford 2024 – engaging everyone!
Meeting Report: Air quality in the 21st century
Article: CCS in four continents: How different attitudes may drive different implementation
Article: Carbon capture and geostorage; a key component of the energy transition
ECG Environmental Brief No. 43: The environmental impacts of e-cigarettes and vapes
Upcoming Meetings
ECG Bulletin July 2024
The ECG Interview: Stephanie Powley
Book Review:
Indoor Air Pollution
Meeting Report: Killer threads! Fast-Fashion’s impact on the environment
Report: Outreach report 2024
Webinar report: Contaminated land: extent of the problem and management
Article: DGL Feature: Microplastic and natural fibres
Article: DGL Feature: The textile industry and the environment
How To: Gardening: repelling pests and fertilising garden plants with minimal environmental harm
Interview: Interview with Environment Agency Former Chief Executive, Sir James Bevan
ECG Environmental Brief No.40: Hidden inefficiencies: The importance of identifying different contributions to overall catalytic activity
ECG Environmental Brief No.41: Implications of HF exposure to human health during lithium-ion battery fires at disposal sites
ECG Environmental Brief No.42: Synthetic microfibres – how textiles can pollute waterways, organisms, and food
Upcoming meetings
ECG Bulletin January 2024
Chair's Report for 2023
The ECG Interview: Kiri Rodgers
Book Review: Transition towards a sustainable biobased economy
Interview : Porous liquids: an interview with Professor Stuart James
Call for volunteers
Meeting report: Microplastics Pollution webinar
Meeting report: Accessible Evaluation at the BIG Event
Meeting report: Regulating for the water environment
Article: Rivers of Life?
Article: Monitoring pollution and its impact on water quality using innovative tools
Article: PFAS – an overview of an emerging chemical of concern and the UK’s approach to monitoring
and managing the risks
ECG Environmental Brief No.39: Reactive nanoadsorbents for environmental cleanup: testing disposal
Upcoming meetings
Committee vacancy
ECG Bulletin July 2023
The ECG Interview: Helena Rapp Wright
Book Review: Challenges in Green Chemistry
Book Review: Electronic Waste Management
Meeting Report: State-of-the-art in the analysis of complex environmental matrices
Meeting Report: Become a chemist for a day
Meeting report: Water, water, everywhere – is it still safe to drink? The pollution impact on water quality
Meeting report: #EnvChem2023: Chemistry of the Whole Environment
Article: The circular carbon economy and the future of carbon dioxide utilisation
Article: Transforming CO2 into construction products
ECG Environmental Brief No.37: Vitrification: Using thermal methods to increase long-term stability of geological disposal of radioactive waste
ECG Environmental Brief No.38: The sources and impacts of polystyrene nanoplastics (PSNPs)
ECG Bulletin January 2023
Chair's report for 2022
The ECG Interview: Symiah Barnett
Meeting Report: Disposable attitude: Electronics in the environment
Meeting report: Circular Chemistry; the enabler to help solve global challenges
Article : Flammability performance and fire tests for furniture – an update
Meeting report: Science outreach with new audiences
Meeting report: Science outreach – Oxford Science and Ideas Festival 2022
How To: DIY air pollution sensors
Article: Glyphosate – An effective but controversial weedkiller
Article: Materials recovery: The precious prospects within e-waste
Article: Environmental management of exhaust gases associated with the manufacture of semiconductors
Article: Combining art and science for effective public communication
Article: Reducing e-waste through repair: Slowing the electronics replacement cycle
ECG Environmental Brief No.36: Aged microplastics enhance adsorption of pharmaceuticals
Upcoming meetings
ECG Bulletin July 2022
The ECG Interview: David Owen
Book Review: Atmospheric Chemistry
Meeting Report: Three outreach updates
Article: Constructed wetlands, micropollutants and climate change
Article: The effects of climate change on land contamination and selected contaminants
Article: SCMS: Insights into xenobiotic uptake
Activity Sheet: Bee balls
ECG Environmental Brief No. 33: Reducing nitrate contamination of water with cover crops
ECG Environmental Brief No. 34: Synthetic textiles: A primary source of microplastics
ECG Environmental Brief No. 35: Chemicals of concern: a prioritisation and early warning system for England
Upcoming meetings
Three charterships available through membership of the RSC: CSci; CChem; CEnv
ECG Bulletin January 2022
Chair's Report for 2021
The ECG Interview: John Collins
Review: Critical Raw Materials: summary of the ESED report
Meeting Report: Environmental Chemistry Group Webinars
Meeting Report: IF Oxford Science and Ideas Festival 2021
Meeting Report: Chemistry for the Environment
Meeting Report: Plastics, From Cradle to Grave - and Resurrection II
Meeting Report: #EnvChem2021: Chemistry of the Whole Environment Research
Article: Mercury: History, facts and concerns
Article: Sorption of metals onto microplastics
Article: Energy efficiency vs indoor air quality conundrum and possible solutions
RSC Diversity, Access and Inclusivity Best Practice statement
ECG Environmental Brief No 29: Variance between individuals can provide additional information for ecotoxicologists besides the mean
ECG Environmental Brief No 30: Potential environmental risks of water-soluble polymers
ECG Environmental Brief No 31: Nanobiosensors in monitoring biodegradation of micropollutants
ECG Environmental Brief No 32: Using ultrasound for environmental sample preparation: what’s the buzz?
Upcoming meetings
ECG Bulletin July 2021
Foreword from the Chair: 25 years of
, 200 committee meetings
The ECG Interview: Tomás Sherwen
Book Review:
Advanced oxidation technologies: Sustainable solutions for environmental treatments
Review: Presentation training – Duncan Yellowlees
Article: Accessing powerful nanostructures of exfoliated biochar using green solvents
Article: Synthesis of spherical titanium dioxide microspheres to degrade rifampicin
Article: Natural analogues for nuclear waste; a window into the future?
Article: Paper-origami devices for COVID-19
From the 1970s to today:
A view on environmental progress
Resource: Colour changing chemistry
Early Careers Environmental Brief No 9: Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides during the COVID-19 pandemic
Early Careers Environmental Brief No 10: Single use plastic pandemic – The rise in disposable plastic pollution
during the COVID-19 pandemic
Environmental Brief No 27: Microbially-enhanced bioremediation of organic contaminants
Environmental Brief No 28: Bacteriohopanepolyol lipids reveal past biogeochemical processes
ECG Bulletin January 2021
Chair’s Report for 2020
The ECG Interview: Caroline Gauchotte-Lindsay
Review: Evaluation training – Jamie Gallagher
Book Review: Soil Clays
Meeting Report: #EnvChem2020: Chemistry of the Whole Environment Research
Review: ClairCity Webinars: engaging citizen scientists in air quality monitoring and improvement
Meeting Report: Rethinking behaviour change at Communicate 2020
Meeting Report: RSC Environmental Science desktop seminars
Meeting Report: Ideas online: Outreach from home
Resource: Filter funnel engineering
Article: Mine Wastes: Environmental impacts and resource potential
Environmental Brief No. 23: The identification of microplastics using density analysis
Environmental Brief No. 24: Surface complexation modelling: building tools to understand and predict adsorption
Environmental Brief No. 25: Modelling Antibiotics in the aquatic environment using fugacity concepts
Environmental Brief No. 26: Phosphate Oxygen Isotopes – A new tool for nutrient sources and cycling
ECG Bulletin July 2020
The ECG Interview: Laura Alcock
Book review: Urban Soils
Review: Public engagement with impact
Meeting report: Environmental chemistry of water, sediment, soil and air: Early career researchers’ meeting
Article: Air quality in the time of Covid-19
Article: Efficacy of treatments for
infestation, and their side effects on honeybees
Article: Porous boron nitride: an effective adsorbent for carbon dioxide capture
Article: Biochar for remediation
Article: Elements of construction - Minecraft and the Periodic Table
Article: Multimedia modelling of organic pollutants: The fugacity approach
Resource: Public engagement how to: Wet scrubbers
Early Careers Environmental Brief 7: Microplastics in soil: An important issue
Early Careers Environmental Brief 8: Diesel particulate matter
ECG Bulletin January 2020
Chair's report for 2019: News from the ECG
The ECG Interview: Dominik Weiss
Book review: The Science of Communicating Science
Book review: Groundwater Geochemistry and Isotopes
Meeting report: Atmospheric chemistry 2019
Meeting report: Plastics: From cradle to grave and resurrection
Meeting report: Indoor air quality
Meeting report: Sustainable water in the 21st Century
Meeting report: Oxford Festival of Ideas: a public engagement with science event
Meeting report: Sensors and networks for environmental monitoring
Article: The fate, occurrence and extraction of antibiotics in solid matrices
Article: The last straw
Meeting report: Joseph Priestley’s journey of discovery – A celebratory exhibition
Resource: Public engagement how to: How to remove plastic with gas floatation
Environmental Brief 21: Environmental analysis - Digestion methods for geological materials
Environmental Brief 22: Water soluble polymers' role in improving the clarification of water
ECG Bulletin July 2019
The ECG Interview: Steve Leharne
Book review: Hook Your Audience
Book review: Environmental Chemistry and You
Meeting report: Early careers researchers meeting
Meeting report: Latest advances in the analysis of complex environmental matrices
Meeting report: Clay minerals in the natural and built environment
Meeting report: Twitter conference poster competition winners announced
Article: Oxford Green Week
Distinguished Guest Lecture meeting report: 21st century chemistry: Disposing our nuclear legacy
Article: An increasing role for iodine in the atmosphere
Article: RSC journal highlights
Resource: Public engagement how to: Ocean acidification experiment
Early Careers Environmental Brief 5: A sea of synthetics: Microfibres in the environment
Early Careers Environmental Brief 6: Brominated flame retardants: exposure routes, human impacts and status
ECG Bulletin January 2019
The ECG Interview: Roger Reeve
Book review: Complete Science Communication
Book review: Innovative Materials and Methods for Water Treatment: Solutions for Arsenic and Chromium Removal
Book review: Phosphates in Soil
Update: RSC ECG continuing professional development survey
Meeting report: Future perspectives on environmental nanotechnology
Article: Global plastic pollution: the impact of nurdles
Article: Arsenic contaminated groundwater - a problem in India and the UK
Update: Neonicotinoids alter food preferences and colony behaviour
Environmental Brief 19: Managing risks from contaminated groundwater using natural attenuation
Environmental Brief 20: Light non-aqueous phase liquids: managing site complexities
ECG Bulletin July 2018
Article: A farewell to departing members of the ECG Committee
The ECG Interview: Glynn Skerratt
Book review: Trace Elements in Abiotic and Biotic Environments
Book review: Coal in the 21st Century
Distinguished guest lecture meeting report: Biopollution: antimicrobial resistance in the environment
Article: An introduction to the global crisis of antimicrobial resistance
Article: Antibiotic resistance - from nature to environmental contaminant
Meeting report: The geochemistry and mineralogy of contaminated environments
Article: Motivations to start or join a small enterprise in environmental chemistry
Update: WMO greenhouse gas bulletin No. 13
Resource: How to microplastic
Article: RSC careers events and opportunities
Early Careers Environmental Brief 3: Adverse effects and control legislation of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances
Early Careers Environmental Brief 4: Should the EU continue to use glyphosphate
ECG Bulletin February 2018
The ECG Interview: Valerio Ferracci
Book review: Environmental Impacts of Road Vehicles
Book review: Ecotoxicology and Chemistry Applications in Environmental Management
Meeting report: Environmental chemistry of water, sediment, soil and air
Meeting report: 6th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter
Meeting report: 27th V. M. Goldschmidt Conference, Paris
Article: Emerging organic contaminants
Article: Chlorine-based water disinfection
Article: Antibiotic resistance - antibiotic release into the environment
Environmental Brief 16: The application of modified bio-sorbents to heavy metal(loid) contaminated soils
Environmental Brief 17: Modelling metal speciation in natural waters
Environmental Brief 18: Geochemistry and biogeochemistry of radioactive substances
ECG Bulletin July 2017
The ECG Interview: Brian Graham
Book review: The Long Shadows of War
Meeting report: What's new in the analysis of complex environmental matrices
Distinguished guest lecture meeting report
: Inside the engine
DGL article: Air pollution and health: Knowledge gained from journeys to Umea, London and Beijing
Article: Do diesel vehicles cause poor air quality?
Article: Air pollution and traffic: searching for the missing emissions
Early Careers Environmental Brief 1: Sources and legislative control of PM2.5 pollution
Early Careers Environmental Brief 2: Policies controlling hydrofluorocarbon emissions
ECG Bulletin February 2017
The ECG Interview: Martin King
Article: In the bin - applied and environmental sciences at school
Meeting report: Early career researchers - environmental chemistry of water, sediment and soil
Outreach report: NERC into the blue
Meeting report: Masters of disaster - click to change the world
Article: Rare earth elements: chemistry, fate and environmental impact
Article: Neonicotinoids updated
Environmental Brief 14: Volatile organic carbons and vapour intrusion
Environmental Brief 15: Non-aqueous phase liquids: properties, risk reduction and remediation
ECG Bulletin July 2016
The ECG Interview: Rowena Fletcher-Wood
Product review: Real chemistry for kids
Update: Toward a world with cleaner air
Book review: Understanding elemental pollution, element by element
Article: Crigee Intermediates: New atmospheric oxidants from old chemistry
Distinguished guest lecture meeting report: Geoengineering the climate
DGL Article: An introduction to geoengineering
DGL Article: Climate engineering - carbon capture and storage
DGL Article: How can geoengineering by regulated?
2016 DGL Article: Smoke and mirrors are not the solution to global warming
Environmental Brief 12: Waste classification
Environmental Brief 13: The relative-rate technique for determining rate constants
ECG Bulletin January 2016
Article: Environment to outreach
The ECG Interview: Tom Sizmur
Book review: The shock of the Anthropocene
Book review: Fracking: Issues in Environmental Science & Technology No. 39
Meeting report: Contaminated land and extreme weather conditions
Distinguished guest lecture meeting report: Nanomaterials - environmental remediants or toxicants
2015 DGL Article: Nanomaterials: small particles or big trouble?
DGL Article: Overcoming nanoecotoxicological effects for sustainable remediation of nanomaterials
DGL Article: Are standard ecotoxicological assays a blessing or a curse?
Environmental Brief 10: Thermal infrared remote sensing of the atmosphere
Environmental Brief 11: Biotic ligand models, metal bioavailability and regulatory application
ECG Bulletin July 2015
Update: How harmful are neconicotinoids to the environment?
Update: Human health exposure from contaminated land: a LQM/CIEH report
The ECG Interview: Zoe Fleming
Meeting report: The 6th international multidimensional chromatography workshop
Meeting report: Emerging contaminants in water and soils, practical considerations: sampling, analysis and consequences
Meeting report: Soft ionisation mass spectrometric techniques and the environmental sciences
Meeting report: New developments in the analysis of complex environmental matrices
Book review: Geoengineering of the climate system
Article: Non-targeted methods for identifying new and emerging persistent organic pollutants of environmental concern
Environmental Brief 9: The atmospheric chemistry of HO2 and organic peroxy radicals
ECG Bulletin January 2015
Article: ECG Bulletin and ECG Newsletter January 1995 - January 2015
Article: Environmental chemistry: a twenty year perspective
Article: Environmental chemistry degrees - then and now
Update: WMO Greenhouse gas bulletin No. 10
Meeting report: Chemical atmosphere - snow-sea ice interactions: taking the next big step in field, laboratory and modelling
The ECG Interview: Ian Forber
Article: Veterinary agents and poisons threaten avian scavengers in Africa and Europe
Environmental Brief 7: Atmospheric lifetimes of trace gases
Environmental Brief 8: How passive diffusion tubes measure NO2 concentrations
ECG Bulletin July 2014
Update: Status of global climate: outdoor air pollution
Update: Human health exposure from contaminated land: a DEFRA report
Meeting report: Organic chemistry and toxicology of contaminants in the ground
Meeting report: Soft ionisation mass spectrometric techniques and the environmental sciences
Distinguished guest lecture meeting report: Plastic debris in the ocean - a global environmental problem
2014 DGL article: Plastic debris in the ocean - a global environmental problem
DGL article: Polymers and their environmental degradation
Article: 150th anniversary of the establishment of the Alkali Inspectorate
Article: Raising air quality awareness among schoolchildren and the public
Book review: Robert Angus Smith and the origins of the environmental chemist
Environmental Brief 5: Asbestos in soils
Environmental Brief 6: Pourbaix (pE-pH) diagrams for the aquatic environment
ECG Bulletin January 2014
Article: PCB analysis, risk assessment and forensic techniques in UK contaminated land assessments
Article: Can mineral carbonation be used for industrial CO2 sequestration?
Meeting report: Tropospheric aerosol: formation, transformation and impacts
Meeting report: The science behind our cultural heritage
Meeting report: Environmental monitoring in the energy sector: exploring parallels between shale gas and nuclear
Article: Minamata convention on mercury
Environmental Brief 3: Atmospheric chemistry at night
Environmental Brief 4: Atmospheric particulate matter
Review: RSC green chemistry series - new title Element Recovery and Sustainability
ECG Bulletin July 2013
Distinguished guest lecture meeting report: Rare earths and other scarce metals
Meeting report: Recent advances in the analysis of complex environmental matrices
DGL article: A review of the global supply of rare earths
DGL article: Chemistry innovation in resource efficiency
DGL article:
Terra rara
- the unknown elemental sea
2013 DGL article: Metal cycles and metal losses
DGL article: Mind the gap: materials' criticality - mitigation options and impacts
Environmental Brief 1: Calculating photolysis rates and estimating photolysis lifetimes
Environmental Brief 2: Contaminated land
ECG Bulletin February 2013
Update: WMO & the state of the global climate
Article: 100 years of toxicological risk assessment
Article: Turning science into policy
Article: Bringing atmospheric chemistry to life for the new generation
: An environmental legacy of the Leblanc alkali industry
Article: Organic waste recycling
Meeting Report: Rachel Carson’s legacy
Meeting Report: Soft ionisation mass spectrometric techniques 2013
ECG Bulletin July 2012
Update: The World Meteorological Organisation’s Annual Statement on the Status of the Global Climate
Article: The role of ‘Big Society’ in monitoring the state of the natural environment
Meeting Report: Current issues in contaminated land risk assessment
Meeting Report: First UK solar to fuels symposium
Distinguished guest lecture 2012 meeting report: Energy, waste and resources – three sides of the same coin?
2012 DGL article: Fuels, chemicals and materials from waste
DGL article: Organic waste management and its implications
ECG Bulletin January 2012
Historical meeting theme for all these articles:
Article: Anthropogenic CO2 and climate change – a historical perspective
Article: John Tyndall’s discovery of the ‘greenhouse effect’
Article: Arie Jan Haagen-Smit and the history of smog
Article: Robert Angus Smith and the pressure for wider and tighter pollution regulation
Article: The life and work of Frederick Challenger
Article: Health concerns of metals and metalloids
Meeting report: Environmental Chemistry: A Historical Perspective
Meeting report: Toxicology of metallic nanoparticles
Book review:
Carbofuran and Wildlife Poisoning
ECG Bulletin September 2011
Article: FASTA and environmental monitoring in Kenya
Article: How sea level and ancient soils control the distribution of arsenic pollution in groundwater
Article: Voltammetric trace metal analysis for environmental monitoring
Distinguished guest lecture 2011 meeting report: Title: The Nitrogen Cycle – in a fix?
ECG Bulletin January 2011
Meeting report: Geochemical speciation & bioavailability of trace elements (GeoSpec2010)
Meeting Report: 2010 Atmospheric and Environmental Chemistry Forum
Meeting Report: Contaminated land – chemistry and toxicology aspects of chemical risk assessment
Meeting Report: GeoSpec2010
Book Review:
Atmospheric Chemistry
ECG Bulletin July 2010
Update: Solar fuel technology in the UK – present and future
Article: Synchrotron-based studies of green rust formation
Distinguished guest lecture 2010 meeting report: King Coal: future prospects for growth, use and clean technologies
2010 DGL article: Technology and the use of coal
ECG Bulletin January 2010
Update: Loo Pool Management Forum— An update
Update: Risk to human health from exposure to contaminated land: A CL:AIRE report
Article: Evaluating the legacy of chlorinated solvents in groundwater
Article: Pharmaceuticals and sewage treatment
Article: First mercury reference laboratory in Southern Africa
Book Review:
Air Quality in Urban Environments
ECG Bulletin July 2009
Article: Iodine chemistry in the coastal atmosphere
Article: Non-exhaust emission sources,
Article: Veterinary antibiotics in the terrestrial environment
Distinguished guest lecture 2009 meeting report: The future of water
2009 DGL article: The future of water and energy: some links that provide solutions and challenges
2009 DGL article: Economic perspectives on water access and affordability
ECG Bulletin January 2009
Update: National Soil Inventory of England and Wales
Article: Potamology, palaeosols and poison: new research on the arsenic pollution of groundwater
Article: A geophysiologist’s thoughts on geoengineering
Article: NCAS Summer School 2008
Meeting Report: NCAS Atmospheric Science Conference 2008
ECG Bulletin July 2008
Article: Biophysical remediation of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soil in Yorkshire
Distinguished guest lecture 2008 meeting report: The Science of Carbon Trading
2008 DGL article: Achieving the EU 2ºC target through carbon trading
2008 DGL article: Having our climate cake and eating it: reduced emissions from deforestation
2008 DGL article: Cool Earth
2008 DGL article: Accounting for biofuels: green, black or shades of grey
ECG Bulletin January 2008
Update: Sustainable management of arsenic contaminated water and soil in rural areas of Latin America
Update: Chemists poke holes in ozone theory
Article: Sediment records of environmental change in Antarctica
Article: Free radicals at high latitudes
Article: Ozone hole paradigm is challenged by a new laboratory measurement of the chlorine peroxide spectrum
Article: Greener chemical manufacturing
Article: Is the teaching of the science of global warming and climate change flawed?
Anna Jones
ECG Bulletin July 2007
Article: Air quality and climate: Polluted Troposphere Programme
Article: Pollution: from city streets to global atmosphere
Article: Monitoring arsenic contamination in Latin America
Meeting Report: Indoor air quality
Distinguished guest lecture 2007 meeting report: Environmental Chemistry in the Polar Regions
2007 DGL article: Frozen in time: the chemistry of polar ice cores
2007 DGL article: The surprising polar troposphere
2007 DGL article: Primary productivity in Antarctic coastal waters
ECG Bulletin January 2007
Article: The measurement of atmospheric carbon dioxide
Article: Climate change, methane and ozone
Article: Fenceline monitoring: perils and pitfalls
Meeting Report: Converting carbon dioxide into chemicals
Meeting Report: The Investigation of Air Pollution Standing Conference
Distinguished guest lecture 2006 meeting report:
The impact of climate change on air quality
2006 DGL article: Interactions between air quality and climate change
2006 DGL article: Calculated tropospheric ozone changes between 2000 and 2100: the impact of climate change
ECG Bulletin July 2006
Arsenic speciation in the environment
ECG Bulletin July 2005
Distinguished guest lecture 2006 meeting report
Metals in the environment: estimation, health impacts and toxicology (Jane Plant)
Global warming: the physical chemistry
ECG Bulletin July 2004
Distinguished guest lecture 2004 meeting report:
Environmental Chemistry from Space (John Burrows)
ECG Bulletin July 2001
Distinguished guest lecture 2001:
PVC and Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment
2001 DGL article: What’s so wrong with PVC?
2001 DGL article: Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
2001 DGL article: Degradation of xenobiotics: soil surfaces and biofilms and their relevance to bioavailability and bioremediation
2000 DGL article:
Professional Qualifications
Annual reports
Environmental Briefs
Distinguished Guest Lectures
2024 Killer Threads
Thomas Stanton
Raquel Prado
2023 Water, water, everywhere – is it still safe to drink? The pollution impact on water quality
Rivers of life
Fiona Regan
2022 Disposable Attitude: Electronics in the Environment
Steve Cottle
Ian Williams
Fiona Dear
2019 Radioactive Waste Disposal
Juliet Long
2018 Biopollution: Antimicrobial resistance in the environment
Andrew Singer
Celia Manaia
2017 Inside the Engine
Frank Kelly
Claire Holman
Jacqui Hamilton
Simon Birkett
2016 Geoengineering
Alan Robock
Joanna Haigh
David Santillo
Mike Stephenson
2015 Nanomaterials
Eugenia Valsami-Jones
Debora F Rodrigues
David Spurgeon
2014 Plastic debris in the ocean
Richard Thompson
Norman Billingham
2013 Rare earths and other scarce metals
Thomas Graedel
David Merriman
Michael Pitts
Andrea Sella
Adrian Chapman
2012 Energy, waste and resources
Kris Wadrop
2011 The Nitrogen Cycle – in a fix?
2010 Technology and the use of coal
2009 The future of water
J.A. (Tony) Allen
John W. Sawkins
2008 The Science of Carbon Trading
Jon Lovett
Matthew Owen
Terry barker
Nigel Mortimer
2007 Environmental chemistry in the Polar Regions
Eric Wolff
Anna Jones
2006 The impact of climate change on air quality
Michael Pilling
2005 DGL Metals in the environment: estimation, health impacts and toxicology
2004 Environmental Chemistry from Space
Articles, reviews & updates
Upcoming meetings
Meeting reports